Business Instant Messaging

Organizations today have to be agile to deal with cutthroat competition in their respective marketplace
© Marvel Enterprises, Inc. & Marvel Characters, Inc.

Document Author:

Dare Obasanjo

Original Project Sponsors:

Goodworks International, LLC

Team Members:

Dmitri A (Network Infrastructure Architect)
Andrew H (Clientside GUI Developer)
Sanjay B (Web Interface Designer)
Dare Obasanjo (Database Designer & Administrator/Team Leader)

B.I.M. is a piece of groupware that facilitates communication between small to medium sized groups of users. It consists of a web message board and an instant messenger which have extensive archiving functionality and can communicate with each other transparently. The instant messenger can run on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 while the web message board is viewable by a Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.

The primary selling point of B.I.M. is that it has features that are currently unimplemented by any of the major instant messengers including
  1. a message history list that is stored on the server and thus can be accessed by the user from multiple machines (ICQ is the only one that comes close to having this feature and the message history is stored on the client so it can't be viewed from different machines)

  2. the ability to view message histories (archives of conversations) from the web

  3. the ability to post to a message board from the instant messenger

  4. drag-N-drop interface to adding people to your contact list.

B.I.M. was created for our senior design class at GeorgiaTech and our original page is here.


Last Modified 4/18/2001 --Dare Obasanjo ( SourceForge Logo